Blogs categorized 'life'

  • Check List

    Posted by  J Tower on Saturday, November 7, 2015

    A couple month before returning home, we started creating a to-do list of things we'd need to do when we got back. We used one of our favorite apps, Wunderlist, and noted down all the big and overwhelming things we could think of. Each item on the list was something that we'd have to do to reintegrate into life in a home. We often do this exercise when we start feeling worried about something. It feels like putting those things down on paper (or in an app) allows us to let the paper worry about



  • Since we returned home 80 days ago, life has felt busy and chaotic to me. We have experienced many changes in our focus and schedule over the past 2 months. Mostly, we are very thankful to be home--with the luxuries of full-sized house living, with multiple private bathrooms, a dishwasher, floors that don't shake with movement, space to spread out, a couch big enough to stretch out on, more privacy, and a basement to send our energetic, loud children to play in. It is wonderful to not have to wo



  • Dear Dexter,

    It seems a little strange to be writing you a letter only a month after we met you, but since you were such a big, delightful part of the grand finale of our 48 state project, it still seems appropriate to say a few words. Especially since we had to say goodbye to you today.

    It is amazing how quickly you melted all of our hearts and fit our family so well. Your cuddles, kisses, gentleness with taking treats, patience with lots of hugs and "Dexter, I love you!!"'s in Lauren's high-pitc