Blogs authored June, 2014

  • "So, how is it going so far?"

    Posted by  Brooke Tower on Thursday, June 26, 2014

    If a friend were to ask me, "So, how is it going so far on your adventure?"  I would say that I feel like I am still trying to catch my breath, I am feeling scattered and like there is a lot to figure out with this new lifestyle and location.  There is plenty of beauty and goodness as well as chaos and angst.  I think the learning curve for any new experience is the steepest at the beginning, and this definitely is no exception to that rule.

    There are a number of adjustments that we are all tryin



  • Guest Post: 10-tips from a First Time RV'er

    Posted by  Guest Blogger on Tuesday, June 10, 2014

    EDITOR'S NOTE: Basem Emara has been a friend and co-worker of J.'s for the last several years. He was inspired--in part by our adventure--to taste a little of his own RV adventure. They called it the 2-province project. Hehe.

    We're glad to have had a small part in this dream fulfilled.  Below is his recap of his trip with his family. Maybe it will inspire you. Keep exploring, Basem!

    As long as I can remember, my wife and I always want to go on a journey in an RV. It was a refreshing thought to bec



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