
  • One month into this 48 State Project

    Posted by  Brooke Tower on Tuesday, July 15, 2014

    It is hard to believe that one month ago today we pulled out of our driveway and began this crazy adventure.  J. and I definitely have moments of "are we actually doing this?!?"  Our truck tires have crossed the borders of 11 states (which might make it seem like we are about 23% through this adventure after only one month). We have crossed many miles of the wonderful Midwest.  When I remember road trips as a kid, they were usually through Wisconsin to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to visit my



  • Our Visit to the Amish Town of Jamesport, MO

    Posted by  Brooke Tower on Friday, July 11, 2014

    A tour of one of the oldest and largest Amish communities west of the Mississippi was a fascinating experience for Luke, Lauren and me. I love having a tour guide explain and point out facts about new places.  I learned many things from our guide, Ron.  Our tour began sitting on the porch at the Arbor House in town with an explanation of Amish history, both religious and social.  We learned how the community takes the vow to become Amish as a lifelong commitment, similar to marriage.  They do no



  • Kind of Camping

    Posted by  Brooke Tower on Thursday, July 10, 2014

    When someone tells me they went camping, I usually ask, "What kind of camping do you do?"  Because, in my limited experience, I have noticed a few differences in what camping means to different people.  Some people consider camping to only be in tents.  I definitely feel closer to nature and the effects of the weather much more vibrantly in a tent.  Then there are pop-ups, travel trailers, 5th wheels (what we have), and motorhomes--all which are considered recreational vehicles (RVs).  A