
  • “IT’S NOT FAIR!”

    Posted by  Brooke Tower on Tuesday, September 30, 2014

    "IT'S NOT FAIR!"

    I wonder if there is a parent alive who hasn't heard this phrase countless times. Especially when their child has one or more siblings. I remember saying this phrase while I was growing up, hoping that it would bring about the "justice" that I hoped for, usually in relation to something my sister had or didn't have to do.

    And my dad's annoying and wise response was, "Well, Brooke, life's not fair. And you should be glad it's not."

    I knew, of course, that life in the world wasn't f



  • 100 days into this adventure…

    Posted by  Brooke Tower on Tuesday, September 23, 2014

    "Crazy pretty much sums it up," Luke responded when asked at church yesterday what he thought about this adventure. It definitely is crazy--crazy good, crazy hard, crazy fun, crazy lonely, and crazy beautiful most of all. There is so much to take in and process, I often struggle to find words to capture what is going on, in our minds, in our hearts, in our truck, and in our 5th wheel. But 100 days into this particular craziness seems worthy of reflection for me.

    I have often been asked what my fa



  • Glacier and Yellowstone: Beautiful in Different Ways

    Posted by  Luke Tower on Saturday, September 13, 2014

    Glacier and Yellowstone are both very beautiful but in very different ways. Glacier contains rich colors like the evergreen forest's rich greens and bright flowers and the crystal clear water that looks as if it were glass. The mountains are so amazing and home to the park's namesake glaciers. The many stunning waterfalls are mainly generated by melting glaciers and are all freezing cold.

    Yellowstone's beauty is thanks to the wide variety of geologic activities and formations like geysers, hot sp