
  • "So, how is it going so far?"

    Posted by  Brooke Tower on Thursday, June 26, 2014

    If a friend were to ask me, "So, how is it going so far on your adventure?"  I would say that I feel like I am still trying to catch my breath, I am feeling scattered and like there is a lot to figure out with this new lifestyle and location.  There is plenty of beauty and goodness as well as chaos and angst.  I think the learning curve for any new experience is the steepest at the beginning, and this definitely is no exception to that rule.

    There are a number of adjustments that we are all tryin



  • Guest Post: 10-tips from a First Time RV'er

    Posted by  Guest Blogger on Tuesday, June 10, 2014

    EDITOR'S NOTE: Basem Emara has been a friend and co-worker of J.'s for the last several years. He was inspired--in part by our adventure--to taste a little of his own RV adventure. They called it the 2-province project. Hehe.

    We're glad to have had a small part in this dream fulfilled.  Below is his recap of his trip with his family. Maybe it will inspire you. Keep exploring, Basem!

    As long as I can remember, my wife and I always want to go on a journey in an RV. It was a refreshing thought to bec



  • A few notes on packing...

    Posted by  Brooke Tower on Tuesday, May 27, 2014

    Many people have asked, "How do you pack to be gone for a year?"  My short answer is, "Good question--we're figuring it out as we go along."

    My longer answer is that we are continuing to figure it out as we go along, but have been keeping certain things in mind as we consider the space and weight we have to work with.  It will be interesting to see what we will end up fitting, bringing, and using.  There are plenty of lists online and on Pinterest to consider.  I have looked at many of them and a


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